What Gets Exported

TileDocs simplifies the process of generating static HTML files for your website, ensuring that your product documentation is not only easy to write but also ready to be deployed.

When you export your documentation, TileDocs automatically uses the first heading and the first paragraph of each page to create the page description. This makes it easier to set up your SEO metadata for each page.

Custom Metadata

  • For additional SEO tags, you can configure them directly in the Export -> Set HTML Custom Metadata. This includes options to add meta descriptions, keywords, and other SEO-specific data to improve the visibility of your documentation.
Export -> Set HTML Custom Metadata

Export -> Set HTML Custom Metadata

HTML metadata

HTML metadata

HTML Styling

Once your HTML is generated, it maintains the same styling, layout, and overall look as seen in the editor. Everything you see while writing in TileDocs will be reflected in the final output, providing a consistent user experience across both editing and viewing modes.

Export Options

TileDocs gives you flexible exporting options.

  • You can download the generated HTML bundle as a zip file for manual deployment or use the built-in GitHub integration.
  • By connecting your project to a GitHub repository via the TileDocs GitHub App, you can push the generated HTML directly to your repository.
