Inside the Export Bundle

When you export your documentation with TileDocs, the generated HTML bundle includes several important service files along with the actual pages content.


Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll find:

HTML bundle structure

HTML bundle structure

  • srcidx_[timestamp].txt and documents_[timestamp].txt: These files are the search text indexes used for the embedded search feature on your documentation website.
  • sitemap_index.xml: This file is automatically generated for SEO purposes. It helps Google and other search engines crawl and index your documentation more efficiently, boosting your site's search visibility.
  • index.html: Each directory in your documentation contains an index.html file that represents the actual content of each page. This ensures that all pages are accessible in a browser and follows a standard HTML structure.

Directory Tree

TileDocs organizes the exported content by creating root directories for each workspace that the user has set up within the editor.

The folder structure in the HTML bundle mirrors the documentation tree you’ve created in the TileDocs editor. Each folder in the editor corresponds to a directory in the exported bundle, keeping everything organized and easy to navigate.

Additional Files

Alongside the content and service files, the export bundle also includes several essential assets and configuration files:

  • _lib directory: This folder contains all the styling (CSS) and JavaScript (JS) assets required to run the exported documentation website.
  • .nojekyll file: If you decide to push your exported HTML bundle to GitHub Pages, TileDocs automatically includes a .nojekyll file. This file tells GitHub to skip using Jekyll - GitHub’s default static site generator.
  • _images directory: This folder stores all the images that you’ve uploaded to your project while working in the TileDocs editor.
