Here’s how TileDocs works
When you open the TileDocs editor, you’ll find two options: either create an account or try the editor without registering.

Start by exploring the editor itself
Why bother with extra registrations and unnecessary emails? In the demo mode, you can experiment with editing pre-made documentation pages. However, you won’t be able to generate HTML in demo mode.

TileDocs Editor
What is HTML generation?
TileDocs can export a static website - essentially a set of static HTML and CSS files - that you can host on any platform supporting static HTML.
For example, you can deploy your site directly to GitHub Pages or Cloudflare Pages.
The best part - your site will look and function exactly as it does in the editor.
Why register?
Registering unlocks additional features like GitHub integration. With GitHub integration, TileDocs offers two powerful benefits:
- Saving Your Work:
TileDocs can save your projects to a GitHub repository. This ensures you won’t lose your work even if the browser database is cleared. - Automated Deployment:
After generating a static website, TileDocs can save all the site files into another repository, which you can connect to your hosting provider for automatic deployment.
These advanced features are free and make it easy to keep your documentation up to date and ready for deployment without writing any code or dealing with complex setups.
With TileDocs, you get a user-friendly online editor that simplifies the process of creating and updating your project’s documentation site.
Whether you’re deploying it to a custom hosting solution or GitHub Pages, TileDocs is always ready to help you publish with ease.